Crack Sealers Texas
Crack Sealers Texas

Why Invest in Asphalt Crack Sealers in Texas?

Your road paving and maintenance company can receive many excellent benefits from asphalt crack sealers in Texas. Bearcat Manufacturing offers your business equipment built with superior manufacturing experience and excellence for over 50 years. We offer a few different crack sealers to meet the demands of your business. Our smaller and more economical option is our ECS-250 rubberized crack seal machine that holds 250 gallons. Meanwhile, our ECS-400 rubberized crack seal machine holds up to 400 gallons. Plus, we strive to cater our solutions to fit any size of asphalt contracting business. So, we offer both crack sealers for rent or for sale to suit any budget. So, contact BearCat Manufacturing to learn more about our top-rated crack sealers in Texas.

How Much Faster Is Asphalt Repair with Crack Sealers?

You can significantly speed up the time it takes to complete an asphalt repair with BearCat Manufacturing’s crack sealers in Texas. Here is how our crack sealers reduce your labor costs and allow you to take on more projects with faster, more efficient processes.

  • Heating and Application – After grooving and cleaning asphalt cracks, our crack sealers heat them and evenly pours sealant into them, completing work on seam repair.
  • Consistency – Unlike applying sealant by hand, our crack sealers ensure accurate and consistent sealant distribution. As a result, repairs are quicker and more dependable.
  • Larger Coverage Area – Your company can work on multiple cracks in a shorter area of time because our crack sealers cover larger areas more efficiently.
  • Less Time on Labor – Manual crack sealing is a labor-intensive process that takes longer due to more work by hand with more rest time involved for workers. On the other hand, our crack sealers eliminate a lot of the physical effort, greatly reducing labor and fatigue.
  • Accuracy and Quickness – BearCat Manufacturing engineers our crack sealers for precision work, minimizing waste and ensuring optimal use of the sealant. The speed of application allows less manpower to handle more repairs over a larger area in a short time span.

Why Choose BearCat Manufacturing Crack Sealers?

We manufacture our equipment with several features that deliver greater performance and durability when it comes to crack sealers in Texas. Here are some of the most popular features that set our crack sealers apart from other products.

  • Single-Fuel Operation – The all-diesel logo on our crack sealers provides you with assurance that you receive the convenience and safety of using equipment that relies on a single fuel. Our equipment does not require additional propane, gasoline, or other fuels.
  • Heating and Circulation – Our crack sealers include a closed indirect heating system with absolute flow control. This exclusive feature on our crack sealers raises the temperature of cold sealant to application-ready in as little as an hour.
  • Less Down Time – Our enclosed, high-pressure, diesel burner features automatic ignition. Most importantly, our closed indirect heating system ensures faster heating to reduce the amount of down time on projects. There are also propane burners available.
  • Flush-Free System – Our crack sealers also include flush-free systems which provide solvent-free flushing.
  • Heated Hose Boxes – Even more down time is eliminated with our crack sealers because our equipment features a heated hose box for the application hoses. As a result, there is less time wasted on waiting for frozen sealant to heat.
  • Convenient Loading Doors – The loading doors on our crack sealers are easily accessible from both sides of the machine and are located 44 inches above ground level. The doors are 21 inches by 46 inches and are compliant with Department of Transportation regulations for elevated temperature materials.
Crack Sealers Texas

Find the Best Crack Sealers in Texas

BearCat Manufacturing saves your road maintenance company time and money with our top-rated asphalt crack sealers in Texas. We engineer all machines to include features that make work easier, more efficient, and less wasteful. As a result, your company can spend less, maximize manpower, and handle more work more quickly. Contact us now to request more information or a free quote for our crack sealers in Texas. In addition, you can reach us by calling 928-684-7851.