Top-Rated Asphalt Distributors Tennessee
An asphalt distributor trailer designed by BearCat Manufacturing

Where Can I Find Top-Rated Asphalt Distributors in Tennessee?

Your pavement business can become more efficient and complete projects faster with BearCat Manufacturing’s top-rated asphalt distributors in Tennessee. Our asphalt distributors apply a tack coat to the pavement surface. This bond coat serves as a glue that binds existing pavement layers with new ones. As a result, each individual layer gets bound into one, durable layer with enhanced strength. Since 1969, BearCat Manufacturing has engineered and manufactured some of the best asphalt machinery and best asphalt distributors in the industry. Email BearCat Manufacturing now or give us a call at 928-684-7851 to request a free quote or receive more information.

How Do Asphalt Distributors Benefit Your Business?

Our asphalt distributor trucks provide essential benefits that make completing pavement projects more efficient and quicker. Plus, you can save costs and manpower on labor with our top-rated asphalt distributors in Tennessee. Here are some of the biggest benefits you receive from our innovative asphalt distributor products:

  • Less Demand on Manpower – Manually applying liquid asphalt is a labor-intensive job that requires more manpower and time than necessary. Our asphalt distributors allow you to reduce the number of people needed to handle the job load. Consequently, you can reduce the amount of labor needed for each project, spend less time on each project, and take on more projects to increase the productivity and profitability of your business.
  • Uniform Application of Asphalt – To achieve proper bonding between pavement layers, the tack coat needs to be applied evenly. You can achieve precise, uniform application with our top-rated distributors in Tennessee.
  • Improved Pavement Strength – The bond coating applied by our asphalt distributors reduces damage from top-down cracking and increases the overall strength of the pavement. Most importantly, it helps to extend the lifespan of the pavement.
  • Better Material Waste Management – Asphalt distributors reduce the amount of material waste on each project by ensuring only the necessary amount of tack gets applied.
  • Enhanced Safety – Pavement with a tack coating applied has a less slick surface during wet driving conditions. As a result, our asphalt distributors help to reduce the risk of hydroplaning or skidding on the pavement during difficult driving weather.

Why Choose BearCat Manufacturing Products?

BearCat Manufacturing offers greater value than alternatives with benefits unique to our top-rated asphalt distributors in Tennessee. Our company prioritizes features that deliver improved efficiency, durability, and convenience with our distributor trucks. In addition, our long-lasting asphalt machines help to streamline the paving process, making your operations faster and more efficient. Some of the most popular features on our distributor trucks include:

  • Closed loop hydrostatic pump drive system
  • State of the art Computer Rate Control (CRC)
  • Heating system with heated asphalt pump
  • Unloading and braking systems
  • Tri-valve manifolds
  • Spray bar and spray valves
  • Steel tanks with sizes from 1,000 to 5,000 gallons
Top-Rated Asphalt Distributors Tennessee

Contact Us

Would you like a free estimate on one of our top-rated asphalt distributors in Tennessee? Then, contact BearCat Manufacturing to receive a free quote or receive more information about our products. Also, you can call our team now at 928-684-7851 to get answers to any questions you have. In addition to our world-class precision pavement maintenance equipment, we always provide you with world-class customer service. Get in touch today to grow your business with our world-class equipment.