Road Maintenance Equipment
A BearCat crack sealer, an essential piece of road maintenance equipment

Stay Ahead of Asphalt Deterioration with High-Quality Road Maintenance Equipment

Keeping the country’s roadways in peak driving condition is challenging for any asphalt contractor, city municipality or road maintenance crew. Asphalt roads across the United States are in varying states and conditions, meaning there’s always a need for asphalt paving services. As such, having the road maintenance equipment to meet the paving needs of clients is essential for any asphalt contractor. Thankfully, you can find the equipment you require with help from BearCat Manufacturing!

Repair, Maintenance, Preservation & More

From small repair jobs to complete asphalt refurbishment, your business requires the right machinery to match the services you wish to offer. Thankfully, BearCat Manufacturing produces durable and high-quality machinery for implementing incredibly effective paving services for the repair, maintenance, or preservation of asphalt.

  • How to Preserve Pavement
    • While seal coating is a standard service meant to protect a pavement surface, it doesn’t help renew asphalt. Conversely, chip sealing not only restores a deteriorating surface but helps preserve it for years to come. With equipment like asphalt distributors and chip spreaders, your company can supply appropriate chip seal paving for any client.
  • How to Repair Asphalt
    • Your company can invest in equipment for minimal asphalt repairs, such as cracked pavement. Crack sealers are buggies or trailers that allow for quick and simple filling of cracks on any lot or roadway surface. Crack sealing is one of the most affordable services compared to other asphalt services. Although crack sealing doesn’t last as long as chip sealing or seal coating, it’s a great way to extend pavement’s lifespan in between additional repaving or repair.
  • Additional Maintenance Equipment
    • In addition to BearCat’s standard equipment offerings, we provide custom and unique machinery that can simplify or improve various asphalt paving services. For example, our Roadtec Spray Pavers combine the work of our asphalt distributors and chip spreaders into one machine! Or, our Precoat Chip Foaming System helps increase the effectiveness of the chip laying in the chip seal process.

Why Choose BearCat?

Few road maintenance equipment manufacturers can offer more quality, convenience and accuracy with their equipment than BearCat can! Since 1969, Ken Hill and Don Carson, co-founders of BearCat, have been a part of the asphalt paving industry. It all began with a few modifications to an existing truck that allowed asphalt spraying functions to be controlled from the cab. Fast forward to today, and BearCat’s technical innovations continue to spur higher performance levels throughout the asphalt industry.

A BearCat Distributor, an essential piece of Road Maintenance Equipment

Talk with Our Team

Don’t settle for anything less than the best road maintenance equipment for your company! Ensure you can meet the asphalt paving needs of your clients with industrial machinery produced by BearCat Manufacturing. To learn more, contact us today at 928-684-7851. We are located at 3650 N Sabin Brown Rd, Wickenburg, AZ 85390. BearCat Manufacturing is headquartered in Arizona, serving clients throughout the United States.