BearCat Manufacturing can help if your new or established road maintenance company is evaluating what equipment you need for chip seal paving. Since 1969, our company has manufactured and sold some of the best asphalt machines in the industry. We offer top-rated asphalt distributors and chip spreaders that are essential pieces of equipment for chip seal paving projects. Plus, we can make custom equipment designed specifically to the needs of your road maintenance business. Email BearCat Manufacturing now to request more information or a free estimate about the equipment you need for chip seal paving.
Asphalt distributors play a critical role in the chip and seal process. They are one of the most important pieces of equipment you need for chip seal paving. For example, asphalt distributors are the machines that provide even and precise application of the liquid asphalt to the pavement. That way, all the layers of the pavement will bond better with subsequent layers of aggregate. In addition, the asphalt applied to the surface by the asphalt distributors serves as the base layer for the aggregate added later by chip spreaders. So, it is important to get reliable and accurate performance by asphalt distributors to ensure the long-term integrity of the pavement.
BearCat Manufacturing offers some of the most trusted equipment you need for chip seal paving. Here is are available options when it comes for asphalt distributors:
Chip spreaders also play a crucial role in the chip and seal process. They are the other pieces of equipment you need for chip seal projects. After the asphalt distributor applies the base layer, Bearcat Manufacturing chip spreaders provide precise application of even amounts of aggregate over the asphalt base. It is important to have precision during this step because too much or too little aggregate will cause problems with the asphalt bonding process. If that happens, the integrity of the pavement will not hold up under heavy usage.
BearCat Manufacturing can supply you with all the best equipment you need for chip seal paving. Along with the top-rated asphalt distributors, we offer two models of chip spreaders. Here is an overview of our products:
For over 50 years, BearCat Manufacturing has supported road maintenance companies like yours with the equipment you need for chip seal paving. In addition, we are proud that all the equipment is assembled right here in the USA! Whether you are looking for asphalt distributors, chip spreaders, or other asphalt machines, we can help. Give us a call at 928-684-7851 or contact us online to request a free quote or more information. We are your home for the best asphalt distributors in Illinois, Arizona, Texas, and Tennessee. Plus, we offer some of the best chip spreaders in Texas, Illinois, Tennessee, and Arizona.